News from Bukal Life Manila

The last few weeks have been exciting in Bukal Life Manila with several things going on.

1.  Back in March we had our first pastoral care symposium in Manila, with guest speaker Dr. Raymond Lawrence, General Secretary of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy.

2.  More recently, a CPO (Clinical Pastoral Orientation) group led by Ms. Chit Panizales completed their training. CPO is a preparatory training or Introduction to Clinical Pastoral Training (CPE or CPT).

3.  On June 9th we had the final graduation for the latest CPE/T trainees. These were led by Sister Sofia and Doc Sim.

4.  Also on June 9th we dedicated the new CPE office in PCMC.

5.  Plans are being made for a batch at St. Lukes for CPE/T in (tentatively) July 2012.

Exciting things are happening. Thanks to all for their dedication to expanding pastoral care and counseling in Manila. We are excited about also extending ministry to Cagayan de Oro in the next few months.  Stand by for more info on that in the next few weeks.