Our Status During Quarantine (and CPE)

Greetings to Everyone.

We are located in Baguio City, and it is going into Enhanced Lock-down—- meaning, in this case, no public transportation, and very limited open businesses, and limited ability to move around.

So what about us?  We are abiding by the Quarantine, so our office will not be open for visitors during this period.

The exception is that we plan to start our Summer CPE on March 26. This is a small-group trainng. We will focus on didactic work during the quarantine period, and not have the trainees go to hospital and jail. Training and pastoral conversations will be handled creatively— parts online if necessary.

For emergencies, I would recommend emailing us at bukallife@gmail.com

If you are looking to do some reading during the hours, days, weeks, of quarantine, consider some of our resources below.

  1.  Published books. We have written several books that are published. Most of them are in either Missions or Pastoral Counseling.   If you are interested, click on the following:    https://www.amazon.com/Robert-H-Munson/e/B017DGJSEW%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share


2.  Books in process. Bob is working on a book called “The Mission to Samaria.” The title may change a little, but not too much. 27 pages are done. Hopefully it will be finished in late 2020 or early 2021.  Also we are working on our 2020 version of our CPE Handbook. Unlike the others, this won’t be available online. It is only available when taking Clinical Pastoral Education with us at Bukal Life Care

3.  Articles. I don’t write articles very often… but a few are available on Academia.edu.


4.  Slideshare.  We also put some presentations online as well… both in missions and in pastoral counseling.




March Updates

CPO (Clinical Pastoral Orientation) is finishing up this week (March 11).

March 23.  Start of CPE Summer Intensive. 10-11 weeks total.

April 24.  PMHA Seminar

June.  Start of new semester at PBTS.  Half Unit CPE will start then (and perhaps other courses).

August.  CPSP-Philippines Annual Plenary.