Entering 2020

We are looking forward to 2020.  However, we will be starting off the new year rather slowly.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and food

Joy and Celia after gift-giving at LTDJ.

December 31st.   Today.  We stopped by La Trinidad District Jail to drop off some presents for the those detained there. Nothing fancy– in fact, there are limitations of what can be given. We gave personal hygeine consummables and some snacks for the 70+ PDLs (persons deprived of liberty). We will start counseling there again on January 14.

January 6-9. Most of us will be at the Lide-Walker Bible Conference at Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary, January 6-8. Our office will be open part of the time. On the 9th, we will be at the Seminary Education by Extension Summit, also at PBTS.

January to March. A number courses are available. Doc Bob will be teaching Intro to Pastoral Counseling at Maranatha Bible College as a module. After that, Doc Bob and Chaplain Celia will continue with the 2nd semester courses at PBTS. In addition, Doc Chuck Henderson and Doc Lyn Montecastro will be teaching modules in Pastoral Care at PBTS and ABGTS.

Additionally, The revision of our book, Dynamics in Pastoral Counseling is 2/3 done, and should be finished in the next couple of weeks.

A Bit about What We Do… and Don’t

Periodically, we get asked what we do… and what we don’t do. So here is a list of activities.

DO:  We do pastoral counseling with people who come to us.  This type of counseling is “spiritual informed” but utilizes insights from the social sciences and the 2000 years of church history (embracing an “integrationist approach.”  Counseling is done free of charge. Donations are not refused, but also not encouraged.

DON’T:  We don’t do clinical psychological counseling. We also don’t embrace a nuothetic or “bible-only” approach to counseling.

DO:  We hold certified training in Clinical Pastoral Education. This certification is through CPSP (College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy) and CPSP-Philippines.  We do charge for this form of training (typically P15,000 per full unit, and P8,000 per half unit).

DO:  We also hold seminars on various topics like depression, abuse, basic counseling skills, conflict resolution, family relationships, and more. We normally do these on request from hosts. We don’t normally charge for such trainings, but do expect the host to provide venue, sound and video systems, snacks, and promotions. If we have to travel a sizable distance, we would expect lodging, food, and travel costs covered.

DON’T:  We are not a certified provider of CPD (Certified Professional Development) trainings as identified by the Philippine Regulatory Commission.

DO:  Do refer to specialists for issues that are better handled by others, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, social workers, and so forth.

DON’T:  We don’t do formal psychological assessments (such as is needed for activities like court cases, or government requirements).

DO:  We also do practical chaplaincy work in hospital and jail settings.

DO:  We welcome visitors to our office on the grounds of Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary (19 Tacay Road, Baguio City, Philippines)

DON’T:  Don’t just show up without appointment. We are a group of volunteers and so we are often not at the office. When we are at the office already holding training or doing counseling. If someone is there at the office and not busy, he or she would be happy to talk, but it is better to contact us first.

DO:  We do have training materials available– much of it self-produced. Books on Pastoral Counseling are available at our office and on the Web. These we have to charge for. Electronic resources are also available online… especially on http://www.slideshare,net.